His forehead glistened as the sun bared down on him, his body soaked with sweat from the heat. His lungs were on fire while he labored to keep a smooth rhythmic pace of his breathing. His legs were tightening and aching as they methodically moved beneath him.
“100 meters to go…yeah I can do this,” he said to himself as he rounded the curve. Struggling to keep going, he tried to push himself harder in that final stretch, but his body just wouldn’t let him. As he crossed the finish line, he heard the chief call out his time, and he collapsed on the grass beside the track as a wave of disappointment washed over him. Once again Daniel Walker managed to miss passing the 1-mile run. The chief walked up and said, “Walker, you got to start pushing yourself harder. Run everyday….if not you ain’t ever gonna pass this run.” “Aye sir”, Daniel replied. John, one of Daniel’s best friends and current platoon commander walked over and said, “Hey, you’ll get it next time bud”. “Yeah, easy for you to say John, you run varsity cross country and even on your bad days you still pass. Man, I’m never gonna pass this.” John paused for a minute in thought, “You just gotta listen to the Chief, his right you have to run every day and push yourself to do better. I didn’t make you my second in command for nothing, you good at pushing yourself when you want something bad enough, now apply it to this.” “Yeah, alright…I guess your right” Daniel admitted. “Come on, we’ll head back in and head up to Krispy Kremes after school and do that bible study.” “Haha alright man, sounds good.”
For the past 2 years, young Daniel Walker excelled in just about everything he tried in high school that is until we talk about athletics. He didn’t have a bunch of talent, but he certainly wasn’t terrible at things…just average. However, running was always his weakness. Did fine on the other aspects of the physical fitness test, but never could quite get that run down. Now, it was a big deal because he needed it to get promoted so now it mattered. However, the next few months until the run would have a huge impact in his life. It’ll all began with that trip up to Krispy Kremes.
“Alright Daniel, here’s what we’re going to do,” John said as they arrived at Krispy Kremes, “you and I are going to run every day after school getting you ready for this next PFT.” “I don’t know about that too much now,” Daniel replied. “Hey, if you want to get promoted then you better start working and I’m going to help you. We’re starting next week,” John almost commanded. “Alright fine John, but you are probably gonna kill me.” With a smirk on his face, John replied, “just maybe. Monday at 1600.”
Monday afternoon, John was waiting at the track for Daniel. It was hot outside and there was a cloud in site. The humility was already making John sweat from just standing there. Daniel finally got there, seeming to be a bit reluctant to do this. They stretched out, got lose and started to run around the track. Barely making it one lap around the track, Daniel fell out. “John, I’m sorry man but I just can’t keep running at that pace.” “Dude, yes you can come on,” John yelled as he ran back to get him. “No, I can’t…I’m sorry John,” Daniel said with his head held low. “Alright, we’ll take it slow.”
It took a lot of motivation from John, but he managed to convince Daniel to keep running with him each day. John would pick up the pace slowly over time, and Daniel would always go home sore. Around the end of the first week, Daniel felt better about it. He told John that he was going to keep going each day. It was painful, his legs were tight each night, and it was tough to move around from the aching pain of being sore each morning, but he wasn’t going to quit. He needed this and he knew that, so Daniel got out there each day, pushed past it and ran with everything he got.
After about a month of running, John made Daniel do the mile by himself, and John was going to time it. “Daniel, it’s only 4 laps. We’ve been training for a month now, you got this bud.” Daniel stretched, got lose and started up his mile. He started off with a good pace, go that breathing pattern going and just kept running. “Eh, this ain’t too bad,” Daniel said to himself as he kept the motivation going. The 3rd lap came around. Breathing was tougher, but the past month has helped him keep that under better control. He wasn’t as sore as he use to be, and things were going ok. Final lap came around. Daniel’s heart was pounding from the run; he tore around that finally curve and dashed with all he had left the last 50 yards. A wave of exhaustion hit as he laid down in the blazing summer sun, but the smile wouldn’t leave his face as John showed Daniel the stop watch. “20 seconds to spare,” John said as he patted Daniel on the back. “Just in time too, we got PFT next week.” “Yeah, John, I can’t thank you enough man, I’m really glad you helped me,” Daniel said. “Hey, I know it’s been tough for you, but you never gave up and that’s what counts. Let’s kill that run next week.”
It was a mildly hot day for the summer down in the south. There was a cool breeze rustling the leaves and clouds were moving in and out over the sun. “Perfect running weather,” Daniel thought to himself, “this is gonna be the day.” The Chief stood there with his stop watch ready as everyone lined up. “Ready, set, go,” he yelled and off they went. Daniel felt great. The mildness helped keep his motivation up and he was set on finally passing. “A month of pushing myself and busting my butt is finally going to pay off,” he thought as he started on his second lap. As he started his 3rd lap, the chief called out the times. “Dang, that’s a whole extra 30 seconds faster than I thought. Finally lap…yeah, this is in the bag.” He came up on that last curve, his heart was pounding, and the anticipation of finally passing the run for the first time in 2 years was just building in his chest. He was ready to take that passing time and wear it proudly. He came around the end of the curve, then snap, his foot found a hole in the track. Daniel collapsed in pain as John and the chief ran up to him. “You alright Daniel? What happened?” the chief asked. “I don’t know,” was all Daniel could muster. It was right there, right there in his grasp, and he lost it. The defeat was killing him as they loaded him in the golf cart to get him back up to the school.
Over the next few weeks, Daniel rested up on his ankle. When it got stronger he got out there and ran every day, just like him and John did a month ago. He pushed on and tackled the next PFT ready. In the end, Daniel did get passing times on the run, well under a minute of what he needed. He overcame many obstacles along the way; soreness, lack of physical fitness and injuries. Despite the difficulties, Daniel never gave up on it. Eventually Daniel would become a Coast Guard Rescue swimmer and lead a life of high physical fitness levels and saving lives because of it, all because of deciding to push past adversity and never giving up.
Daniel sets a good example here for never giving up. High school comes with many challenges that we may not overcome the first try. However if we lean on God like Daniel does, seek Him and continue to strive at things, then we will succeed. No matter what the challenge or obstacle is, remember to never give up.
High School is one of those "once in a lifetime" experiences. It comes with a lot more freedom and decisions. Of course you can't forget the Friday night football games. However, it isn't easy to be a Christian in high school today. From the temptations to peer pressure, to major life decisions, it's not easy. But, God is always with us and will help us make it through. Check things out, maybe God will have something for you here.

Hey, if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comment section if it's about one of the post, or if it's ideas for the blog, you'd like to have a discussion on a certain subject or if you feel uncomfortable asking them in the comments sections, feel free to email me at highschoolwalk@gmail.com
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Saturday, December 17, 2011
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