High school is a time in our lives when we have some of the closest friendships and interactions with people. It's easy to connect and relate to your fellow peers. Sometimes, we start sacrificing in ways that we shouldn't, just to fit in, make new friends or be "popular". We got to church on Sundays and Wednesdays, but the rest of the time, it's all about us. Maybe it isn't because of friends, or people, but rather that we are too busy, don't have the time, or not willing to fully surrender to God. Whatever the reasons, we talk the talk, but we don't walk the walk. It's time that we step up to the plate and start to give God everything and actually live out the lives He has called us to live.
18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without works, and I will show you faith from my works. 19 You believe that God is one; you do well. The demons also believe—and they shudder.
That is James chapter 2:18-19 and it's so true for many of us. We go through life talking about how we love God, go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays but we never actually put our faith into action. Later in verse 26 it says that faith without works is dead. James compares those who don't have faith to be just like the demons who believe in God but don't live for Him. So what are we doing? Isn't it time that we start living for God with all of our hearts.
Living out our faith isn't always easy. We get wrapped up in the things off the world and fitting in. The girl that wants to be a light for God, but doesn't cause she wants to fit in. The guy that wants to do the right thing, but can't stay off the computer late at night. The athlete that knows he is in an influential person yet still sets the wrong example. It's something we all go through at some point in our lives and we have to be willing to take a hard look and decide that we are going to start giving God everything...To show people our faith by our works. Are you willing to take a stand, give God everything, and start walking the Christian walk?
High School is one of those "once in a lifetime" experiences. It comes with a lot more freedom and decisions. Of course you can't forget the Friday night football games. However, it isn't easy to be a Christian in high school today. From the temptations to peer pressure, to major life decisions, it's not easy. But, God is always with us and will help us make it through. Check things out, maybe God will have something for you here.

Hey, if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comment section if it's about one of the post, or if it's ideas for the blog, you'd like to have a discussion on a certain subject or if you feel uncomfortable asking them in the comments sections, feel free to email me at highschoolwalk@gmail.com
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012
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